Sunday, February 14, 2010

Snow Ball Fun 2

The Snow Balls made front page. I'm sure the students must be excited. This was a great temporary art display that is still being enjoyed.

Caption reads:

"Above: Rutgers students play on a massive green snowball near Passion Puddle on the Rutgers School of Environmental and Biological Sciences campus on Friday in New Brunswick."

Happy Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Snow Ball Fun

A few students from the Rutgers Landscape Architecture Program along with some other friends helped put together a large public art display during yesterdays "blizzard" at Cook Campus' Passion Puddle. The students gathered and put together the large snowballs, ranging between7-10 feet, which they then dyed different colors. This gave the puddle a beautiful hint of color as the sun set over New Brunswick.
The next day the snowballs turned into an attraction for the students returning to classes. Whether to just admire from afar or get right next to and climb the snow balls had a great impact. For more photos check out James Brosius's Facebook.

Photos taken by James Brosius.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Facebook Map

This map acquired data on 210 million facebook profiles and represented the information by location, with connections drawn between places that share friends. The connections created some interesting patterns that the map maker then used to divide the US into 7 different parts. For a break down of each part check out the site here: The map reminds me of the flight pattern maps some of my studio classmates have been experimenting with. Very appealing and cool looking maps. The possibilities of mapping all types of data continues.

The flight pattern maps were created by, Aaron Koblin an artist specializing in data visualization.