Thursday, November 12, 2009

Sea Level Rise

At a lecture yesterday on "Urban Climate Change Adaptation Planning: Lessons from the Global South", I was guided by JoAnn Carmin, associate professor of Environmental Policy at MIT, to take a look at steps being taken by Oregon and Maryland to address the sea level rise issue. So far all I have been able to discover is Oregon's "Goal 20" plan and some stuff here and there about Maryland, but still no major regional plan or design stuff. If any one has come across any information or can find anything else I would love it if they shared it on here. It would definitely be useful to take a look at some other initiatives being taken as our studio class begins designing for sea level rise in Cape May County.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Confucius Say

By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest. - Confucius

Saturday, November 7, 2009

New Satellite

Europe launched a new satellite, the Soil Moisture and Salinity (SMOS) probe, which is expected to be able to pinpoint the future location and intensity of floods and droughts. The probe will be able to monitor the amount of moisture held in soils to a depth of up to 7ft, the quantity of salts dissolved in the oceans, and photosynthesis and plant growth. With studies suggesting and supporting that global warming is disrupting and altering weather conditions and patterns the data collected by this probe will aid in furthering our knowledge.

Google Sketchup

With the release of Google Sketchup 7.1 many may have realized that the DWG/DXF importer isn't available. This has caused many users to be shocked and upset by the loss of the tool, especially Rutgers senior, Benjamin Heller. To those that have downloaded or upgraded to the latest version have no fear there is a plug-in available. This plug-in will only be around for a short period of time and won't be available for any future releases. So sleep easy at night Ben, Google does care.

Mark Your Calander

Mark your calanders for November 17th to witness the annual showing of the Leonid meteor shower. Those of us along the east coast we should expect the shower between 3:30 and 5:30 a.m. EST in the southeastern sky.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Sustainable Site Initiative

The American Society of Landscape Architects, the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, and the United States Botanic Garden united to put together the first national ratings and guidelines for sustainable and eco-friendly landscape design, construction, and maintenance practices. Today marks the official date of release of the Sustainable Sites Initiative. They will be accepting pilot projects to demonstrate the application of The Sustainable Sites Initiative: Guidelines and Performance Benchmarks 2009.

Space Hotel

Barcelona based architects of the Galactic Suite Space Resort have designed a spaceport, spaceship, and spaceresort that will cost 4.4 million dollars for a 3 night stay. The company behind the plans to open the hotel expects to start accepting its first paying guests by 2012. Included in the package is an 8 week training course on a tropical island (sea level rise free I hope), Velcro suits to crawl around their pod rooms, watching the sun rise 15 times a day, and revolving around the earth every 80 minutes. For 4.4 million dollars it looks like I'll have to wait for the space motel or space trailer.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

NJ Elections

I hope those with time went out to vote yesterday, here is a map portraying the New Jersey Governor Race Results and the rest of the outcomes can be found here. I'll keep this an unbiased post. I think this is how most feel though.


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Central Park Airport

"Goodbye Central Park, Hello Manhattan Airport" The Manhattan Airport Foundation is planning the redevelopment of Central Park into the world's first carbon negative airport. The park they believe has been left undeveloped for so many years that many have forgotten it's still there. The 150+ year old Central Park serves as a symbol to New York and model to mega-cities around the world. Obviously this plan to redesign the park into an airport is just a joke, but it does bring me to wonder could we ever imagine a New York without a Central Park? The beauty of the city is its ability to crowd, overwhelm, and rush you at one point, then relax, freeze time, and captivate you the very next. With its green roofs, pocket parks, secret spaces, public squares, and High Line, New York provides numerous opportunities for sanctuary. Then there is Central Park which completes the balance and serving as the ultimate match to all the form, structure, complexity, and power found within the skyscrapers and concrete forest. A powerful core and heart of the city that can never be intruded.

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Monday, November 2, 2009

Street View Time Lapse

I love these Google street view time lapse videos.

Google has taken over the world.


Mark your calenders, November 18, 2009 is "GIS Day".

High Line, Bay Line, Bloomingdale Rail Line

"The High Line" - New York
"The Bay Line" - San Francisco
"The Bloomingdale Rail Line" - Chicago

Sunday, November 1, 2009