Friday, August 14, 2009

Dirty Green Developement

Almost two weeks ago a different type of green building was found to be occurring in New Jersey when 44 people were arrested on charges of corruption and money laundering, many with ties to building and zoning departments. More than a dozen of those arrested were found to be connected to the downtown Jersey City development boom, which transformed former polluted industrial rail yards and warehouses into an almost mirror image of the Manhattan skyline. Although this news has been circulating through the media for two weeks now, as a former Jersey City resident, I felt obliged to post this news and keep it alive. Especially when today another developer, Morton Salkind, was found guilty of tax fraud.
With all these recent scandels it is important for us to remember those elected to lead and those with power must not be overlooked. In fact it is those with power that should be watched the closest.

1 comment:

  1. What I find frustrating about this situation is that now the government is going to have to spend millions of taxpayer dollars fighting this case in court. With the federal as well as state budgets being in debt by billions due to the economic situation this money could have been used for more productive purposes. If these officials gave off the vibe that they have done business in such a manner before than the investigators should look into deals that have been approved in the past. Lets get some of our money back from the firms that have bribed our officials and made a steal in profits at the same time.
