Saturday, August 15, 2009

Sea Level Rise

This upcoming fall semester, my intermediate studio class will be researching and exploring design interventions and implications of sea level rise and global warming in Cape May County, New Jersey. Our professor for the class Dr. David Tulloch has already posted some preliminary information for us on his world famous blog,Places and Spaces .
The San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission hosted an international design competition for ideas responding to
sea level rise in San Francisco Bay
. They have already posted the results of the competition which ended in a 6-way tie and each with very different methods. One of my favorites wasn’t even a winner, but they received honorable mention - - I feel as if this design a) had great graphics and b) questions how much should we continue to interfere with nature. It’s our negligence and interference that has got us to this point to start with. The delicate ecosystem that surrounds us must be understood before we disturb it. In the story of Noah’s Ark it was the sinners who perished as the world flooded, maybe it was an important lesson we should take into account.

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